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FabricJS: Always Center Object on Canvas

is it possible to ALWAYS center an object on a fabricjs canvas?

Background: I am building a webtool that makes it easy to create complex animations using fabricjs. I want to be able to set the canvas size to 100% for both width and height. Thus I want to place all my objects at the center and add an X/Y offset to it. When I resize the canvas later on I can readjust the objects from center using the x/y offset.

Is there such a build in function? Or should I simply add a property to the object and if the canvas is being resized - check all objects for that property and readjust the object's position from the new canvas' center?

Regards and Thanks Robert


  • Fabric objects have the following methods for centering:;  // Centers object vertically and horizontally on canvas to which is was added last
    obj.centerV(); // Centers object vertically on canvas to which it was added last
    obj.centerH(); // Centers object horizontally on canvas to which it was added last

    I don't see anything about offset in the docs.

    Something like the following would probably work

    var canvas = new fabric.Canvas('c');
         var w = $(window).width();
         var h = $(window).height();
         var center = {x:w / 2, y:h / 2);
                left : center.x + obj.offsetLeft,
                top : center.y + + obj.offsetTop,
    // need to call calcOffset whenever the canvas resizes