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subtracting two integers bit by bit in assembly

I'm trying to subtract 2 integers bit-by-bit and was given this algorithm

b = 0
difference = 0
for i = 0 to (n-1)

    x = bit i of X
    y = bit i of Y
    bit i of difference = x xor y xor b
    b = ((not x) and y) or ((not x) and b) or (y and b)

end for loop

I have implemented up to this line b = ((not x) and y) or ((not x) and b) or (y and b). How should I implement that last line of the algorithm in my code

This is what I have so far:

prompt1 BYTE "Enter the first integer: ",0dh,0ah,0
prompt2 BYTE "Enter the second integer: ",0dh,0ah,0
prompt3 BYTE "The first integer entered is not valid ",0dh,0ah,0
prompt4 BYTE "The second integer entered is not valid ",0dh,0ah,0
X byte 0
Y byte 0
diff byte 0

main PROC

    mov edx, OFFSET prompt1
    call writeString
    xor edx, edx
    call readInt
    js printError1
    cmp eax, 0ffh
    jg  printError1
    mov X, al
    xor eax, eax

    mov edx, OFFSET prompt2
    call writeString
    xor edx, edx
    call readInt
    js printError2
    cmp eax, 0ffh
    jg  printError2
    mov Y, al
    xor eax, eax
    jmp calculation

    mov edx, OFFSET prompt3
    call writeString
    xor edx, edx
    jmp L1
    mov edx, OFFSET prompt4
    call writeString
    xor edx, edx
    jmp L2

mov ebx, 0
mov diff, 0
mov ecx, 7

    mov al, X
    and al, 1h
    mov dl, Y
    and dl, 1h
    xor al, dl
    xor al, bl
    mov diff, al

    rol X, 1
    rol Y, 1
    loop subtract
main ENDP

END main

The algorithm start from the calculation loop label. I needed to save the value stored in al register, in order to implement the last line of the algorithm, but since dl and bl is in used which general purpose register should I use to store value of al?


  • No your code is still wrong. Below is a piece of code that shows how to store registers in the stack. (It is however far from optimized) In general if you’re out of registers, use the stack. If registers are used in other places in your code and need to persist, use the stack to store them then reset them when you’re done.

            mov ebx, 0
            mov ecx, 7
            ; init
            mov eax, 0
            mov edx, 0
            ; al = bit i of x
            mov al, X
            and al, 1h
            ; dl = bit i of y
            mov dl, Y
            and dl, 1h
            ; save data for later (technique 1 the stack)
            push eax
            push edx
            ; bit i of difference = x xor y xor b
            xor al, dl
            xor al, bl
            or diff, al ; or instead of mov
            ; restore data (technique 1 the stack)
            pop edx
            pop eax
            ; b = ((not x) and y) or ((not x) and b) or (y and b)
            not al
            mov dh, al ; copy not al in dh (technique 2)
            and al, dl ; ((not x) and y)
            and dh, bl ; ((not x) and b)
            and dl, bl ; (y and b)
            or  al, dh ; ((not x) and y) or ((not x) and b)
            or  al, dl ; ((not x) and y) or ((not x) and b) or (y and b)
            mov bl, al
            ror diff, 1
            ror X, 1
            ror Y, 1
            loop subtract
            ror diff, 1