Search code examples

how to count instances in each statement in Grails?

Status domain has many like
like belongs to user and status
user has many status and like

I need to show count of likes a status has.

 <g:each in="${statusInstanceList}" status="i" var="statusInstance">
 ${fieldValue(bean: statusInstance, field: "statusMessage")}

 <g:each var="likeInstance" in="${}">
   ${likeInstance.count()} //this is the where likes should be counted via dynamic finders


Also please suggest if I am doing this the right way. If not please put me on to the right track.


  • ${} should give the number of likes per status.

    <g:set var="likesSize" value="${}"/>
    <g:each var="likeInstance" in="${}">

    Makes sense?