I just set up my new homepage at http://ritter.vg. I'm using jQuery, but very minimally.
It loads all the pages using AJAX - I have it set up to allow bookmarking by detecting the hash in the URL.
//general functions
function getUrl(u) {
return u + '.html';
function loadURL(u) {
$.get(getUrl(u), function(r){
//allows bookmarking
var hash = new String(document.location).indexOf("#");
if(hash > 0)
page = new String(document.location).substring(hash + 1);
if(page.length > 1)
But I can't get the back and forward buttons to work.
Is there a way to detect when the back button has been pressed (or detect when the hash changes) without using a setInterval loop? When I tried those with .2 and 1 second timeouts, it pegged my CPU.
Use the jQuery hashchange event plugin instead. Regarding your full ajax navigation, try to have SEO friendly ajax. Otherwise your pages shown nothing in browsers with JavaScript limitations.