So I'm using GWT + GXT and have created a GXT Tabpanel (see a similar demo/source displaying the basics of what I have here - be sure to go to the tabs > basic tabs
Once rendered, it's styling is shown like below:
Clicking on the anchors (small crosses in the top right-hand corner) results in that tab being closed. However, this is a piece of default behaviour I don't want, and would like to remove.
Say my TabPanel is simply:
panel= new TabPanel();
panel. ............... // Method to remove all tabs 'close tab' option.
panel.add(datacenterGrid, new TabItemConfig("Datacenter", true)); // Adding tab one
panel.add(clusterGrid, new TabItemConfig("Cluster", true)); // Adding tab two
Which Tabpanel method could I use to simply remove the close tab option? (Apologies if it's something simple and I'm being stupid, this area's new to me and I couldn't see any obvious method for it in the documentation).
If you want to remove the close button, just mark the tab as not closable.
You can do this with method: TabPanel.add(Widget widget, TabItemConfig config);
See setters on TabItemConfig
Now, if you really want to customize the menu, I already asked how to do it here.