I am wrting an update query on Scala and Cashbah. When I write this...
val query = MongoDBObject({"_id" -> uri.toString})
val update: DBObject =
$set("uDate" -> new DateTime) ++
$addToSet("appearsOn") $each(sourceToAppend:_*) ++
$addToSet("hasElements") $each(elementsToAppend:_*) ++
$addToSet("hasTriples") $each (triplesToAppend:_*)
OntologyDocument.dao.collection.update(query, update, upsert = true)
...it gives me a compilation error like this. But if I write it like this...
No implicit view available from Object{def $each(target: Array[Any]): com.mongodb.casbah.commons.Imports.DBObject; def $each(target: Any*): com.mongodb.casbah.commons.Imports.DBObject} => com.mongodb.casbah.commons.Imports.DBObject.
...then it compiles and runs successfully.
val query = MongoDBObject({"_id" -> uri.toString})
val setOps1 = $addToSet("appearsOn") $each(sourceToAppend:_*)
val setOps2 = $addToSet("hasElements") $each(elementsToAppend:_*)
val setOps3 = $addToSet("hasTriples") $each (triplesToAppend:_*)
val update: DBObject = $set("uDate" -> new DateTime) ++ setOps1 ++ setOps2 ++ setOps3
OntologyDocument.dao.collection.update(query, update, upsert = true)
I didn't get it.
Why doesn't the first one compile, or the second one compiles?
Am I missing a Scala basic?
This is due to how the dsl is implemented and the chaining of $each
. The core issue is I dont think $addToSet merges as expected::
val setOps1 = $addToSet("appearsOn") $each(sourceToAppend:_*)
val setOps2 = $addToSet("hasElements") $each(elementsToAppend:_*)
setOps1 ++ setOps2
DBObject = { "$addToSet" : { "hasElements" : { "$each" : [ "another" , "list"]}}}
Seems MongoDBObject ++ does not recursively merge.