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How to validate model in knockout validation

I created a a view model and want to validate that model using knockout validation . Here is my view model

function SignInViewModel() {
   var self = this;

   self.userName = ko.observable('').extend({
      required: true,
      pattern: {
         message: 'Username must be a valid email address',
         params: /^([A-Za-z0-9_\-\.])+\@([A-Za-z0-9_\-\.])+\.([A-Za-z]{2,4})$/

   self.password = ko.observable('').extend({
      required: true,
      pattern: {
         message: 'Password must be alpha numeric and 4-8 character long .',
         params: /^(?=.*\d).{4,8}$/

   self.login = function () {
      // Want to call validate function here
      $.post("/account/login", { "userName": self.userName(), "password": self.password() })
         .done(function (result) {

   decorateElement: false,
   errorElementClass: "error",   // class name
   insertMessages: false,
   grouping: { deep: true, observable: true }

I want to validate my model when my login function is called .


  • Create a validation group like

    self.errors =;

    add a computed

    self.canLogin = ko.computed(function() {
       return self.errors().length === 0;

    In your view add this data-bind to your button

    data-bind="click: login, enable: canLogin"