Im trying to update a NavigationProperty of a single entity object but its not updating after SaveChanges.
It only works when the object entity is not bound to any UI element through a property, i mean, if I bind a property to the UI, and change a navigatio property, the property is changed normally but its not updating on database.
Before trying to do it via binding it was working perfectly...
public TProd_NCMProd ItemAt
get { return itemAt; }
itemAt = value;
OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs("ItemAt"));
private void save()
//ItemAt.TProd_NCMGrupo is my navigation property
ItemAt.TProd_NCMGrupo = ((TProd_NCMGrupo)cb_ncmGrupo.SelectedItem);
The Update and Savechanges methods (DAO layer):
public void update(T pEntity)
entidades.ApplyCurrentValues<T>(pEntity.GetType().Name, pEntity);
public void saveChanges()
Instead of manually setting the reference
ItemAt.TProd_NCMGrupo = ((TProd_NCMGrupo)cb_ncmGrupo.SelectedItem);
I just set the combobox to be bound to the navigation property of my ItemAt->TProd_NCMGrupo so when I change the combobox selection, the navigation property changes too.
<combobox ItemsSource="{Binding ItemsCb}" SelectedItem="{Binding Path=ItemAt.TProd_NCMGrupo, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged, Mode=TwoWay}">