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How to write a Remote DataModule to run on a linux server?

i would like to know if there are any solution to do this. Does anyone?

The big picture: I want to access data over the web, using my delphi thin clients. But i´would like to keep my server/service writen in pascal.

The 'not so' big picture: I´m trying to write a php to emulate a SOAP Midas packets to ClientDataSets in delphi, but i dont have the necessary muscules in my brain to do that. So i could try to convert dbexpress to FPC, but i don´t know if this is legal.

Ok folks, i know that PHP, java, c#/asp, python, ORM´s and things like that could help me with this, but i´m a GUI guy! Everyone who ever programmed 10000 lines report in cobol knows what i´m talking about. I just want to point my soap connection to some server in the net (i dont own the service providers) and make my customers happy. Simple as...


  • RemObjects SDK supports Free Pascal. And Free Pascal is a Delphi compatible Pascal compiler for, amongst others, Linux platforms.

    If you are familiar with FPC and don't like to write many lines of code (as you pointed out), I think RemObjects SDK is really an interesting option.

    A Delphi cross-platform edition is in the works. Hopefully with the next version of Delphi it is possible to build DataSnap servers for the Linux platform.