I have the following scenario. When the user is about to leave the website I show him a confirmation message and at that moment I also modify the DOM a little bit. Despite the fact I get to modify the DOM, the images (even if they are preloaded will not appear). I have also tried with Ajax but it looks as if during that moment all connections are blocked?
Here's my example code:
<div id="content">
my original content...
<button id="trigger">click</button>
<script type="text/html" id="template">
<img src="/css/images/dmbtest.gif"/>
<script type="text/javascript">
window.onbeforeunload = function() {
window.onbeforeunload = null;
return "some cool message";
Any suggestions? Would also love to be able to load the content via Ajax but... :(
What if you rendered the #template HTML in a hidden div and instead of writing HTML to the #content onbeforeunload, you just show/hide the unload content you wish to display?
I suspect that since the browser is essentially locked, it can't do the async writing like images that it needs to do. If you show/hide, this async writing will already be done.
Just a guess but I think that will work?
EDIT: Oops. I assumed your 'dont leave' notificaton was an alert, which would lock. I realize now that that's not what you're doing, so ignore that bit :)