Here i have use below code for Telerik Rad Tree.Unable to catch the RadTreeView1 ,thisone working without any issue in my localhost but when i put a debugger to there then it shows me the null.
<div style="border: 1px solid #25A0DA; margin: 5px; padding: 5px; min-height: 400px; min-width: 200px;">
<telerik:RadTreeView ID="RadTreeView1" OnClientNodeClicked="ClientNodeClicked"
Font-Size="Small" Skin="Metro" runat="server">
<ExpandAnimation Type="none"></ExpandAnimation>
<CollapseAnimation Type="none"></CollapseAnimation>
<WebServiceSettings Path="~/DesktopModules/hh/hc.asmx" Method="GetChildNodes">
Here is the function
function LoadRootNodes() {
var treeView = $find('<%=RadTreeView1.ClientID%>'); <-- pass null here
//Some codes here
In here unable to find a RAD Treeview1 from $find.
Try this,
treeview.OnClientLoad = "LoadRootNodes";
Javascript file
function LoadRootNodes(sender, args) {
var treeview=sender;