I have created a frame and two panels.
Jpanel pane11=new JPanel();
Jpanel pane12=new JPanel();
Added the panel2
to the panel1
Now I set the panel2
background white and it is working correctly
I have created 4 JTextPanes
in the panel2
and made it draggable.
*Now what my problem is: If I drag a text pane from (0,0) to (10,10) and I save it the text pane has to reappear at (10,10) when I close and re open the frame. So how to get the location of jtextpanes in flowlayout *
I have created save button to save the changes in panel and I am using flow layout for panel2
I am using XML file for saving the locations.
By design, FlowLayout
will restore the panel to its calculated location when the enclosing Window
is resized. As an alternative, consider JInternalFrame
, which supports dragging in a JDesktopPane
directly. Use the Preferences API to persist each internal frame's location.