I'm building out a search results page within a blog. I've rewritten the URL so that going to:
will return a search results for foo.
In the template, I'd like to return a listing of all the posts that are tagged with 'foo', so I've made an MT:Entries block that starts:
<mt:Entries tag="<$mt:SearchString$>">
but it returns no results. However, placing on the page outputs 'foo' just fine.
So I tried this:
<mt:Entries tag="foo">
and it returns all results correctly that are tagged with foo. I'm not seeing a reason why the other one should work -- any ideas?
You cannot use a tag as a parameter value. You'll have to pass it via a variable, like so:
<mt:setvarblock name="q"><$mt:SearchString$></mt:setvarblock>
<mt:Entries tag="$q">