I am running MT-5.2.3 under PSGI/Plack behind a Apache reverse proxy. The server is Starman. The Plack logs show a warning for each call:
WARNING: Automatically converting Plack::App::Directory instance to a PSGI code reference. If you see this warning for each request, you probably need to explicitly call to_app() i.e. Plack::App::Directory->new(...)->to_app in your PSGI file.
What should I do to fix this? AFAICS, the stock mt.psgi already calls MT::PSGI->to_app()
Thank you.
Six Apart reports that this problem was fixed in a recent commit to the Movable Type project that will be part of a future release of Movable Type.
I generally don't recommend running unreleased versions of Movable Type for production purposes, but I think it would be OK to patch MT::PSGI to get rid of these warnings.