I am having issues finding an efficient way to sort classes by order. My following code completes the order in which i need to sort, but I believe there is another way (one I dont know).
What is an efficient way to sort classes?
public int compare(Object one, Object two)
//S = Salaried, W = Weekly, D = Daily
//SS == 0 -> SW == -1 -> SD == -1
//WS == 1 -> WW == 0 -> WD == -1
//DS == 1 -> DW == 1 -> DD == 0
Employee a = (Employee)one;
Employee b = (Employee)two;
SalariedEmployee s = new SalariedEmployee(0.0);
WeeklyEmployee w = new WeeklyEmployee (0.0);
DailyEmployee d = new DailyEmployee();
if(one.getClass() == s.getClass() && two.getClass() == s.getClass())
return Double.compare(b.grossPay(), a.grossPay());
if(one.getClass() == s.getClass() && two.getClass() == w.getClass())
return -1;
if(one.getClass() == s.getClass() && two.getClass() == d.getClass())
return -1;
if(one.getClass() == w.getClass() && two.getClass() == s.getClass())
return 1;
if(one.getClass() == w.getClass() && two.getClass() == w.getClass())
return Double.compare(b.grossPay(), a.grossPay());
if(one.getClass() == w.getClass() && two.getClass() == d.getClass())
return -1;
if(one.getClass() == d.getClass() && two.getClass() == s.getClass())
return 1;
if(one.getClass() == d.getClass() && two.getClass() == w.getClass())
return 1;
if(one.getClass() == d.getClass() && two.getClass() == d.getClass())
return Double.compare(b.grossPay(), a.grossPay());
return 0;
I am having issues finding an efficient way to sort classes by order
Depends what you mean by "efficient". Putting all the code in a single method will be the most efficient (if done properly) from a CPU perspective, but it is not very efficient from a flexibility point of view.
For an approach that will not be a fast but will be far more flexible check out the Group Comparator and Bean Comparator.
The GroupComparator allows you to combine multiple Comparators into one sort. The BeanComparator is a generic comparator that allows you to sort on any field within a given class. So to use the GroupComparator the basic code would be:
EmployeeComparator employee = new EmployeeComparator();
BeanComparator grossPay = new BeanComparator(Employee.class, "grossPay");
GroupComparator gc = new GroupComparator(employee, grossPay);
Collections.sort(list, gc);
So you would need to write a Comparator that sorts Employees by salaried, weekly and daily. The basic code for the EmployeeComparator might be something like:
if (one.getClass()equals(two.getClass())
return 0;
if (one instanceOf SalariedEmployee)
return 1;
if (two instanceOf SalariedEmployee)
return -1;
if (one instanceOf WeeklyEmployee)
return 1;
return -1;
A little more work to set up, but once you have an EmployeeComparator you can then sort of multiple different properties using the Bean and Group Comparators.