I've got problem because I don't know how to read extjs data from my filtr
var search = new Ext.FormPanel({
renderTo: 'search',
frame: true,
items: [searchForm],
button: [{
handler: function(){
var productValue = Ext.getCmp('filtrName').getValue();
var filters = [{
fn: function(item){
return (new RegExp(productValue).test(item. get('Name')));
Filter working fine but I need to connect it with server side but don't know how. For example to take value from start limit etc to pagin side variable names are similar but here I don't have any clue how to get it
Please help
One option is to save the filter in the data store, which you can easily access from controller.
For example, inside the button handler,
store.filters = [{
fn: function (item) {
return (new RegExp(productValue).test(item.get('Name')));
And store.filters will be the one you can access from the controller. Hope it helps