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Using an Element as the key to a Hash in JavaScript

I want to create a hash with DOM elements as keys. This is illustrated by the following code:

var hash = {};
var set = function(element, value) {  hash[element] = value; };
var get = function(element)        {  return hash[element];  };

set(document.getElementById('foo'), 'bar');
get(document.getElementById('foo')); // returns 'bar'

How can I ensure that hash maps to a unique value for each Element?
Note that I can't use the raw ID string as key, because any arbitrary Element may be passed in, including those without a id.


  • In JavaScript until ES 6, only strings can be used as a key. If you want to use DOM elements, either use two linked lists, or the WeakMap object. A bonus of the latter method is that it does not cause memory leaks.

    Applied to your example:

    var hash = new WeakMap();
    hash.set(document.getElementById('foo'), 'bar');
    hash.get(document.getElementById('foo')); // returns 'bar'

    As of writing, WeakMap is only supported by the following browsers:

    In all other browsers, WeakMap support can be achieved by loading the WeakMap.js polyfill.