Here is the portion of my code I'm concerned with, When I try to change the color of squaresToDisplay object again using the Timer, it makes the frame white (blank) but it works only 1 time. So when I run this piece of code, it will do what I want 1 time then make the screen blank. I am wondering what causes this specifically. My own assumption is that I might be blocking the EDT when I start the SQTimer, in which case I'm at a loss because I don't know enough java to fix this :/
private Timer SQTimer;
startButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
//Code that removes unrelated things from the frame
final SquareObjects squaresToDisplay = new SquareObjects(x,y);//Creates the Object based on GUI width and height
squaresToDisplay.setVisible(true);//Allows it to be visible
frame.add(squaresToDisplay);//Adds it to the frame
SQTimer = new Timer(1000, new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
System.out.println("Completed adding pixels");
protected void paintComponent(Graphics g){
System.out.println("Beginning of paintComponent");
System.out.println("Completed making the Graphics objects");
for(int i = 0;i<(x*y)/64;i++){
if(xInterceptLocation == 0){
g.fillRect(xInterceptLocation, yInterceptLocation, 8, 8);
xInterceptLocation += 8;
Color newColor = changingColors();
g.fillRect(xInterceptLocation, yInterceptLocation, 8, 8);
xInterceptLocation += 8;
if(xInterceptLocation == 1920){
xInterceptLocation = 0;
yInterceptLocation += 8;
Just for clarification, these to methods are in seperate classes, the first one is in a class called GUI while the second one is in a class called SquareObjects
the problem was that the yInterceptLocation was never set back to 0, so when the program repainted, it continued adding 8, thus leaving the screen blank because it was out of the frames bounds.
protected void paintComponent(Graphics g){
System.out.println("Beginning of paintComponent");
System.out.println("Completed making the Graphics objects");
//yIntercept needs to be reinitialized when the repaint(); is called again
if(yInterceptLocation == 1080){
yInterceptLocation = 0;
for(int i = 0;i<(x*y)/64;i++){
if(xInterceptLocation == 0){//If i == 0 then it wont add 8 first (thus preventing a gap)
g.fillRect(xInterceptLocation, yInterceptLocation, 8, 8);
xInterceptLocation += 8;
}else{//Any other time we want to add 8 to space out the squares
Color newColor = changingColors();
g.fillRect(xInterceptLocation, yInterceptLocation, 8, 8);
xInterceptLocation += 8;
if(xInterceptLocation == 1920){//if xInterceptLocation = 1920 then it adds 8 to yIntercept and sets x to 0 (creating a new line)
xInterceptLocation = 0;
yInterceptLocation += 8;
Credits to HoverCraft Full Of Eels, for noticing it wasn't reinitialized