I'm working on my graphic user interface for a application I'm creating. Basically there is this JTextField that the user has to input integers. For example
25, 50, 80, 90
Now, I have this other class that needs to get those values and put them in an int Array.
I've tried the following.
guiV = dropTheseText.getText().split(",");
And in the other class file I retieve the String, but I have no idea how to get the value for each one.
In the end I'm just trying to get something like
int[] vD = {textfieldvaluessplitbycommahere};
Still fairly new to Java but this has me crazy.
private JTextField txtValues = new JTextField("25, 50, 80, 90");
// Strip the whitespaces using a regex since they will throw errors
// when converting to integers
String values = txtValues.getText().replaceAll("\\s","");
// Get the inserted values of the text field and use the comma as a separator.
// The values will be returned as a string array
private String[] strValues = values.split(",");
// Initialize int array
private int[] intValues = new int[strValues.length()];
// Convert each string value to an integer value and put it into the integer array
for(int i = 0; i < strValues.length(); i++) {
try {
intValues[i] = Integer.parseInt(strValues[i]);
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
// The string does not contain a parsable integer.