Search code examples

Formatting text with tabs or spaces

I have object like this:

 Name: "John"
 Location: "Unknown"
 Type: "Unknown"
 Status: "Unknown"
 Phone_number: "Unknown"

Need to format it like this (with tabs or spaces):

Name:           John // three tabs
Location:       Unknown // two tabs
Type:           Unknown // three tabs
Status:         Unknown // three tabs
Phone_number:   Unknown // one tab

Java and Perl has this functionality in printf, but how to do this in javascript?


  • Ok. Found here:

     * object.padding(number, string)
     * Transform the string object to string of the actual width filling by the padding character (by default ' ')
     * Negative value of width means left padding, and positive value means right one
     * @param       number  Width of string
     * @param       string  Padding chacracter (by default, ' ')
     * @return      string
     * @access      public
    String.prototype.padding = function(n, c)
            var val = this.valueOf();
            if ( Math.abs(n) <= val.length ) {
                    return val;
            var m = Math.max((Math.abs(n) - this.length) || 0, 0);
            var pad = Array(m + 1).join(String(c || ' ').charAt(0));
    //      var pad = String(c || ' ').charAt(0).repeat(Math.abs(n) - this.length);
            return (n < 0) ? pad + val : val + pad;
    //      return (n < 0) ? val + pad : pad + val;

    This not works with tabs, but works with spaces exactly how I describe in question.

    For my example code will be:

    $.each(myObj, function(myKey, myVal) {
       myOut += myKey.padding(20) + " = " + myVal + "\r\n";

    Output will be:

    Name                 = John
    Location             = Unknown
    Type                 = Unknown
    Status               = Unknown
    Phone_number         = Unknown