Given the dir structure:
Backup.ps1 contains:
$BackupDirectoy = "..\Backup"
$CodeDirectory = "..\Code"
function BackupCurrentVersion()
New-Item $BackupDirectoy -type directory -force
Copy-Item $CodeDirectory -destination $BackupDirectory -recurse
I'm doing something wrong because Code gets copied in x\Script\Code instead of x\Backup\Code
What is the problem?
$BackupDirectoy = "..\Backup"
$CodeDirectory = "..\Code"
These paths are going to be relative to the current dir your prompt is sitting in when you run the script. I suspect you don't want that but want to run relative to where the script is located. Try this if this is the case:
$ScriptDir = Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -Parent
$BackupDirectoy = "$ScriptDir\..\Backup"
$CodeDirectory = "$ScriptDir\..\Code"