Search code examples

Scope associated models by "created_at"

I have three models : User, Product and Ownership. An ownership has a product_id:integer and a user_id:integer. I want to scope my products by created_at DESC.


default_scope -> { order('products.created_at DESC') }

But when I do user.owned_products, it's not ordered like created_at DESC. How can I do that ? Must I add a scope in my user model ?

Here is the relationship between my users and products :


has_many :ownerships
has_many :owned_products, through: :ownerships,
                          source: :product


  • To set the order on a user's owned products, you can specify this in the association. For example:

    has_many :owned_products, through: :ownerships,
                              source: :product,
                              order: "created_at DESC"