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Using groovy metaClass to mock out Shiro SecurityUtils in bootstrap

For further background, see

I'm trying to mock out the Shiro SecurityUtils.getSubject() method in my BootStrap.groovy. I decided on this approach because the Subject builder in the latest Shiro version isn't available in the current version of the Nimble plugin (which I'm using). I decided to try playing with the SecurityUtils.metaClass but I have a feeling I'm missing something very fundamental about how metaClasses work. For reference, here's my Trackable class:

    abstract class Trackable {
       User createdBy
       Date dateCreated
       User lastUpdatedBy
       Date lastUpdated

       static constraints = {

       def beforeInsert = {
           def subject

           try {
               subject = SecurityUtils.subject
           } catch (Exception e) {
               log.error "Error obtaining the subject.  Message is [${e.message}]"

           createdBy = (subject ? User.get( subject.principal ) :

       def beforeUpdate = {
           def subject

           try {
               subject = SecurityUtils.subject
           } catch (Exception e) {
               log.error "Error obtaining the subject.  Message is [${e.message}]"

           lastUpdatedBy = (subject ? User.get( subject.principal ) :

In my BootStrap.groovy, I have this:

   def suMetaClass = new ExpandoMetaClass(SecurityUtils)

   suMetaClass.'static'.getSubject = {[getPrincipal:{2}, toString:{"Canned Subject"}] as Subject}


   SecurityUtils.metaClass = suMetaClass

And that works... sort of. If I print out the subject from BootStrap.groovy I get "Canned Subject". If I try to create and save instances of subclasses of Trackable, I get:

No SecurityManager accessible to this method, either bound to
the org.apache.shiro.util.ThreadContext or as a vm static
singleton.  See the org.apache.shiro.SecurityUtils.getSubject()
method JavaDoc for an explanation of expected environment

Am I missing something integral about how metaClasses work?


  • I figured out what was happening. In my BootStrap I was doing something like this:

    def init = { servletContext->
      switch ( {
        case "local":
          def suMetaClass = new ExpandoMetaClass(SecurityUtils)
          suMetaClass.'static'.getSubject = {[getPrincipal:{2}, toString:{"Canned Subject"}] as Subject}
          SecurityUtils.metaClass = suMetaClass
          new TrackableSubClass().save()
          //Create some other domain instances
          SecurityUtils.metaClass = null
      //Create a couple domain instances that aren't environment specific

    I added some debug statements and saw that the errors I was seeing were happening at the end of the init closure. I did some googling to double check how to flush my Hibernate session. Then I made the following changes:

    def sessionFactory
    def init = { servletContext->
      switch ( {
        case "local":
          def suMetaClass = new ExpandoMetaClass(SecurityUtils)
          suMetaClass.'static'.getSubject = {[getPrincipal:{2}, toString:{"Canned Subject"}] as Subject}
          SecurityUtils.metaClass = suMetaClass
          new TrackableSubClass().save()
          //Create some other domain instances
          SecurityUtils.metaClass = null
      //Create a couple domain instances that aren't environment specific

    That seems to have completely resolved the issue and now I should be able to remove the cumbersome try/catch blocks from Trackable. :-)