I have MVC 2 project that uses jquery tabs feature. Following versions are being used for jquery and tabs.
jquery-1.4.4.min.js jquery.tools.min.js 1.2.5
I have form controls on each tab. In IE 9, when I click the save button on a specific tab
So caching is somehow not keeping the changes between the tab clicks. How can i fix the issue as described in #3 above?
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
<div class="inside">
<div class="indentmenu">
<ul class="tabs">
<li><a id="GeneralInfo" href="/ProfileEditor/GeneralInfo?fice=XXXXXX&random=68564868">General Info</a></li>
<li><a id="Academics" href="/ProfileEditor/Academics?fice=XXXXXX&random=68564868">Academics</a></li>
<li><a id="Admission" href="/ProfileEditor/Admission?fice=XXXXXX&random=68564868">Admission</a></li>
<li><a id="CampusLife" href="/ProfileEditor/CampusLife?fice=XXXXXX&random=68564868">Campus Life</a></li>
<li><a id="CostAid" href="/ProfileEditor/CostAndAid?fice=XXXXXX&random=68564868">Cost & Aid</a></li>
<li><a id="Athletics" href="/ProfileEditor/Athletics?fice=XXXXXX&random=68564868">Athletics</a></li>
<li><a id="AutomatedOnlineSearch" href="/ProfileEditor/AutomatedOnlineSearch?fice=XXXXXX&random=68564868">Automated Online Search</a></li>
<div class="insideContent">
<div class="panes">
<div style="display: block">
<div class="reset"></div>
/* tabs handling*/
//pass tab only on load when displaying a specific tab
TabsAjaxCall: function (tabToDisplay) {
//$("ul.tabs").tabs("div.panes > div", { effect: 'ajax' });
$("ul.tabs").tabs("div.panes > div", { effect: 'ajax', history: true,
onBeforeClick: function (event, tabIndex) {
var $tabProgress = $("#tabProgress");
var $currentTab = $("ul.tabs").children('li').eq(tabIndex).children("a");
var tabPanes = this.getPanes();
onClick: function (event, tabIndex) {
//to display specific tab on load
if (tabToDisplay != "" && typeof tabToDisplay != "undefined") {
//remove tab, we only need it during load and not on subsequest loads
tabToDisplay = "";
var tabPanes = this.getPanes();
TabCurrentRefreshCall: function (currentTabIndex) {
if (currentTabIndex == "" || typeof currentTabIndex == "undefined" || currentTabIndex == "undefined" || currentTabIndex <= 0) {
} else {
var $currentTab = $("ul.tabs").children('li').eq(currentTabIndex).children("a");
var id = $currentTab.attr("id");
if (id != "")
else {
//go the tab index route
var tabsApi = $("ul.tabs").data("tabs");
TabIndexForSelected: function () {
var tabsApi = $("ul.tabs").data("tabs");
var currentTabIndex = tabsApi.getIndex();
return currentTabIndex;
TabOnLoadIndexPerPassedValue: function (myTab) {
var tabIndex = "";
if (myTab != '' && typeof myTab != "undefined") {
var isTabIndex = false;
$("ul.tabs").children('li').children("a").each(function (index) {
if (myTab.toLowerCase() == $(this).attr("id").toLowerCase()) {
tabIndex = index;
isTabIndex = true;
if (isTabIndex) {
var tabsApi = $("ul.tabs").data("tabs");
TabOnloadIndexPerHash: function () {
var tabIndex = "";
var hash = JSGlobalVars.GetHash();
if (hash != '' && hash != 'undefined') {
var isTabIndex = false;
$("ul.tabs").children('li').children("a").each(function (index) {
if (hash.toLowerCase() == $(this).attr("id").toLowerCase()) {
tabIndex = index;
isTabIndex = true;
if (isTabIndex) {
var tabsApi = $("ul.tabs").data("tabs");
GetHash: function () {
var hash = document.location.hash;
if (hash != '') {
hash = document.location.hash.substr(1, document.location.hash.length);
return hash;
For the time being, I have put the following in place and it is working now. Due to changing of the random value, IE 9 now hits the action as well. I am still looking for a better solution and will update as soon as i have found one.
TabsAjaxCall: function (tabToDisplay, isAppendJsRandom) {
//$("ul.tabs").tabs("div.panes > div", { effect: 'ajax' });
$("ul.tabs").tabs("div.panes > div", { effect: 'ajax', cache: false, ajaxOptions: { cache: false }, history: true,
onBeforeClick: function (event, tabIndex) {
var $tabProgress = $("#tabProgress");
var $currentTab = $("ul.tabs").children('li').eq(tabIndex).children("a");
//IE 9 fix
JSGlobalVars.TabsHrefWithJsRandom($currentTab, isAppendJsRandom);
var tabPanes = this.getPanes();
onClick: function (event, tabIndex) {
//to display specific tab on load
if (tabToDisplay != "" && typeof tabToDisplay != "undefined") {
//remove tab, we only need it during load and not on subsequest loads
tabToDisplay = "";
var tabPanes = this.getPanes();
TabsHrefWithJsRandom: function ($currentTab, isAppendJsRandom) {
//ie 9 issue fix
if (isAppendJsRandom == "" || typeof isAppendJsRandom == "undefined" || isAppendJsRandom == "undefined" || isAppendJsRandom == null)
isAppendJsRandom = false;
if (isAppendJsRandom) {
var href = $currentTab.attr("href");
var radomVerb = "random";
if (href != '' && href != '#') {
var indexRandom = href.indexOf(radomVerb);
if (indexRandom > 0) {
//remove random
href = href.substring(0, indexRandom);
//remove last index of & and ?
var nAnd = href.charAt(indexRandom - 1);
if (nAnd == "&" || nAnd == "?") {
href = href.substring(0, href.length - 1);
//get and append random to href
var random = Math.random();
if (href.lastIndexOf("?") != -1)
href += '&'+ radomVerb + '=' + random;
href += '?'+ radomVerb + '=' + random;
$currentTab.attr("href", href);