How do i mock the variables instantiated at class level..I want to mock GenUser,UserData. how do i do it...
I have following class
public class Source {
private GenUser v1 = new GenUser();
private UserData v2 = new UserData();
private DataAccess v3 = new DataAccess();
public String createUser(User u) {
return v1.persistUser(u).toString();
how do i mocked my v1 is like this
GenUser gu=Mockito.mock(GenUser.class);
what i have written for unit test and to mock is that
public void testCreateUser() {
Source scr = new Source();
//here i have mocked persistUser method
final String s = scr.createUser(new User());
Assert.assertEquals("value", s);
even if i have mocked persistUser method of GenUser v1 then also it did not return me "Value" as my return val.
thanks in adavanced.......:D
As in fge's comment:
All usages require
annotated at class level.
Make sure you're using that test runner, and that you put @PrepareForTest(GenUser.class)
on your test class.