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In JavaScript, How can I access properties of children nodes?

I'm building a link scraper in CasperJS, and the main functions looks pretty much like this:

function findLinks() {
    return'a'), function(e){
        return { 
                 href: e.href,
                 title: e.title, 
                 rel: e.rel, 
                 anchor: e.text,
                 innerHTML: e.innerHTML

However, I'd like to modify findLinks() in a way that if my link scraper finds something like this:

<a href="#" title="anchor tag" rel="nofollow"><img src="myimage.jpg" alt="beautiful image" /></a>

I can access <img> attributes individually, just as I do it with the links.

I've been reading Mozilla MDN, and CasperJS and I haven't found yet a way to achieve this,

Any help will be greatly appreciated!


  • You're looking for Element.children

    children returns a collection of child elements of the given element.

    In your example HTML:

    var b = document.querySelectorAll('a')[0];
    alert(b.children[0].src); //First child's source: myimage.jpg
