renderFilterOn: html
html textInput
onKeyUp: (html jQuery ajax callback: [:val | aFilter := val]
value: ((html jQuery this) value);
script: [:s |
s add: ((s jQuery class: 'itemnames')
each: (s jQuery ajax callback: [:v | |aName anID |
aName := ((v subStrings: $,) last).
anID := ((v subStrings: $,) first).
((aName asUppercase) includesSubString: (aFilter asUppercase))
ifFalse: ["Do something here to hide values"]] value: (Array with: ((html jQuery this) attributeAt: 'id') with: (html jQuery this) text)))
So, what do I do in the "Do something here to hide values"?
The ID I get is the ID of a 'td' element of which I want to hide its parent 'tr' element.
I really don't want to do the new component and render thing as the table can contain many thousands of results, and displaying a new component with those results filtered on every keypress would make things way too slow.
If you're concerned about speed and are already sending all the data to the client during the initial render then you should do all the filtering in JS on the client.
I would make a CSS class like this:
.hideRow {
and add or remove that class to the rows based on what is typed in the input.
Change your input render method to:
html textInput
id: html nextId;
onKeyUp:((html jQuery id: html lastId) call:'filterRows').
Then have a static js file you serve to that page that includes the filterRows function that adds or removes the class based on the value of the input