I was trying to write some javascript unit tests, using requirejs and jsTestDriver intellij plugin. When I run them in the IDE I have no error even when there are some. I only see them when opening my browser console. Did someone manage to make IDE plugin displays failures into a require function ? My code below and some screen shots illustrating my problem.
TestCase("Collections", {
"test User Collection": function () {
require(['lib/underscore', 'lib/backbone', 'app/user', 'app/collections'],
function (_, Backbone, user, appCollections) {
assertNotUndefined('Users must be defined', appCollections.users);
assertTypeOf('Users must be backbone collection', typeof Backbone.Collection, appCollections.users);
assertTypeOf("Users' model must be a user", typeof Backbone.Model, appCollections.users.model);
I haven't tested this, but it might get you started:
var CollectionsTest = AsyncTestCase('Collections');
CollectionsTest.prototype.testIt = function(queue) {
queue.call('Step 1', function(callbacks) {
function test1(_, Backbone, user, appCollections) {
assertNotUndefined('Users must be defined', appCollections.users);
assertTypeOf('Users must be backbone collection', typeof Backbone.Collection, appCollections.users);
assertTypeOf("Users' model must be a user", typeof Backbone.Model, appCollections.users.model);
var onModulesLoaded = callbacks.add(test1);
require(['lib/underscore', 'lib/backbone', 'app/user', 'app/collections'], onModulesLoaded);