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Saving part of screen to file (SOIL and glReadPixels)

I'm trying to save an image of size 5x5 pixels, read with glReadPixels into a file using SOIL.

I read the pixels:

int x = 400;
int y = 300;
std::vector< unsigned char* > rgbdata(4*5*5);
glReadPixels(x, y, 5, 5,GL_RGBA,GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, &rgbdata[0]); 

Then I try saving the read data with SOIL's save image function

int save_result = SOIL_save_image
    5, 5, 4,

But when trying to save the image, I get an unhandled exception.

Solution (by Christian Rau)

int x = 400;
int y = 300;
std::vector< unsigned char > rgbdata(4*5*5);
glReadPixels(x-(5/2), y-(5/2), 5, 5,GL_RGBA,GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, &rgbdata[0]);

int save_result = SOIL_save_image
    5, 5, 4,


  • You are creating a vector of pointers to unsigned char (std::vector<unsigned char*>, but what you want is just a vector to unsigned char (std::vector<unsigned char>).

    And in the call to SOIL_save_image you don't have to give it rgbdata[0], which would be a single unsigned char (and with your incorrect vector type an uninitialized pointer, likely resulting in some memory access error), but a pointer to the complete data and thus (or &rgbdata[0] if you don't have C++11).