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Button text color in Extjs 4

I'm using Exjts 4 and i want to change the button text color. Here is my code:

     xtype: 'button',
     text: 'My Button',
         color: 'red'


  • There is some strange behavior in Extjs 4.2.0, but there is an override possible. Give your button a class using cls:'yourClassName' property and then in CSS make a full path to span holding the text, like so: .yourClassName div a span. Also give your css property a !important value to successfuly override base class.

    Ext.create('Ext.Button', {
        text: 'Click me',
        renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
        handler: function() {
            alert('You clicked the button!');
        cls: 'foo'

    and in css simply:

    .foo div a span
        color:#ff0000 !important;

    Here is a example.