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LocationManager requestLocationUpdates() in GPS Android

I have developed an application as a service that handles basic HTTP requests. When the phone receives a HTTP Post request like: http ://IP:port/gps/on, it should register to the GPS listener like the following:


But, as this code is present inside the handler, I am getting the below error:

8.614: E/AndroidRuntime(21211): java.lang.RuntimeException: Can't create handler inside thread that has not called Looper.prepare()
06-18 12:34:58.614: E/AndroidRuntime(21211):    at android.os.Handler.<init>(
06-18 12:34:58.614: E/AndroidRuntime(21211):    at android.location.LocationManager$ListenerTransport$1.<init>(
06-18 12:34:58.614: E/AndroidRuntime(21211):    at android.location.LocationManager$ListenerTransport.<init>(
06-18 12:34:58.614: E/AndroidRuntime(21211):    at android.location.LocationManager._requestLocationUpdates(
06-18 12:34:58.614: E/AndroidRuntime(21211):    at android.location.LocationManager.requestLocationUpdates(
06-18 12:34:58.614: E/AndroidRuntime(21211):    at com.example.devicecommunication.ConnectService$HttpFileHandler.registerGPS(
06-18 12:34:58.614: E/AndroidRuntime(21211):    at com.example.devicecommunication.ConnectService$HttpFileHandler.handle(
06-18 12:34:58.614: E/AndroidRuntime(21211):    at org.apache.http.protocol.HttpService.doService(
06-18 12:34:58.614: E/AndroidRuntime(21211):    at org.apache.http.protocol.HttpService.handleRequest(
06-18 12:34:58.614: E/AndroidRuntime(21211):    at com.example.devicecommunication.ConnectService$ 

Can you please let me know if I have to use handler/ Looper for this? And any example of how to do this. Thanks in advance!

Code to register GPS is called by a class that handles HTTP requests:

public String registerGPS(){
String gps= "";
Log.d("GPS on","Using GPS Provider here"); 
gps = "***********GPS Provider registered here *********************";
Log.d("GPS off","using NETWORK Provider here");
gps = "***********Network provider registered here *********************";
gpsSensor = true;
return gps; 


  • In my Handler for Post, I passed an extra String to my service and started the service again. In onStartCommand(), I get the extra from the intent and then call requestLocationUpdates(), so it is done on the main thread. This solved my requirement. Thanks everyone for the help!