I am executing a query and putting result into JSONObject to return it to EXTJS page. Code works but I am not sure if this is the best or most efficient way to do it. I'll post my code please see if I need to improve it and where. I am fresh programmer so excuse obvious mistakes. Thanks in advance.
public JSONObject execQuery(String invoice, String id){
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
JSONObject data = new JSONObject();
JSONArray jsArray = new JSONArray();
// get conn
conn = DBConnect.getInstance().dbOracleConnect();
// create query
sb = new StringBuffer("SELECT * FROM table ");
sb.append("WHERE rtrim(invoice) = ? AND ");
sb.append("id = ? ");
ps = conn.prepareStatement(sb.toString());
ps.setString(1, invoice);
ps.setString(2, id);
rs = ps.executeQuery();
json = new JSONObject();
json.put("invoice", rs.getString("invoice"));
json.put("id", rs.getString("id"));
json.put("name", rs.getString("name"));
json.put("gender", rs.getString("gender"));
// out put will be like [{"invoice":"111", "id":"123", "name":"sam", "gender":"male"}, {...}]
data.put("data", jsArray);
// out put will be like {"data":[{"invoice":"111", "id":"123", "name":"sam", "gender":"male"}, {...}]}
catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("Error: " + e.toString());
finally {
return data;
A few things you need to consider in your code:
You are closing the connection through JDBCHelper, that means there should be a method in JDBCHelper to abstract away the details of getting a connection.
Since you are not creating the query dynamically, you don't need to use StringBuffer/StringBuilder. A regular String is efficient for your case.
The sb and json variables are initialized two times, once at the top and then again in the try block. Just declare these variables at the top and initialize them where they are used.
You should bring down the initialization of json and jsArray right before the while loop and initialization of data after the loop.