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java.util.InputMismatchException Output Error

I'm currently trying to read a file from my HDD. The file name is "Sample.txt", below is my code. I'm able to get it to compile and run, but receive this error:

 Exception in thread "main" java.util.InputMismatchException
at java.util.Scanner.throwFor(
at java.util.Scanner.nextDouble(
at Proj1GradesService.errorReport(
at Proj1GradesClient.main(

I've tried reading the file w/just a While loop and now with a try/catch, but received the same error, and I'm unsure what's exactly wrong with it. I'm trying to read the file from the Service Class and have the call to the method errorReport() from the Client Class. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

import java.util.*;   //allows use of Scanner class
import*;   //for File and IOException classes

class Proj1GradesService
{   //begin Proj1GradesService

  public void pageAndColHeading(char letter)   //accepts char as a parameter
  {   //start pageAndColHeading
     switch (letter)
     {   //start switch
        case 'e':   //write the caption for error report
           System.out.println ("Error Report - Students With Invalid GPA");   //prints Error Report

        case 'v':   //write the caption for valid report
           System.out.println ("Valid Report - Students With Valid");   //prints Valid Report
        default:  ;  //do nothing
     }//end switch
  }   //end pageAndColHeading

  public void errorReport() throws IOException
  {   //start errorReport

     Scanner scanFile = null;
        scanFile = new Scanner (new File ("p1SampleGPAData.txt"));
        catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe)
           System.out.println ("wrong file name."); 

     String name;   //name read from file
     double gpa;   //gpa read from file
     int count = 0;   //line #

     while (scanFile.hasNext( )) 
        name =;
        gpa = scanFile.nextDouble();
        System.out.println ("Line Number: " + count + "Name: " + name + "GPA: " + gpa);

     }   //end while

  }    //end errorReport

}   //end class


  • Considering your file structure below which is assumed from printing statement

      name1 1.1
      name2 2.2
      name3 3.3

    Now according to your code following line

     // consume your whole line. ie name1 1.1
     name =; 
     // looking for double but instead getting string ie name2
     // hence throwing InputMismatchException
     gpa = scanFile.nextDouble(); 

    Now to resolve above issue. You can use String.split().

      // collect whole line
      name =; 
      // split by one or more whitespace OR use your delimiter 
      String[] str = name.split("\\s+");
      // gives name
      String actName = str[0];
      // gives gpa, throws NumberFormatException if str[1] is not double value
      double gpa = Double.parseDouble(str[1]);

    I hope this helps. If you need anymore help just ask.