I have an <iframe> that uses some variables that are set in an object literal in the parent document. These variables are optional; if they're set, I want to use their values, assigning them to a more succinct global variable; if not, I want to call the function error().
First of all, is this ternary operator statement valid and effective for what I want to do? Are there any potential traps here?
parent.settings.account ? var account = parent.settings.account : error();
Secondly, is there a more concise way to write that statement?
A few of these variables are optional, but if defined, have a range of acceptable values. What's a robust way to handle this? Something like this?
if (parent.settings.polling_interval && parent.settings.polling_interval >= 1000 && parent.settings.polling_interval <= 5000) {
var polling_interval = parent.settings.polling_interval;
} else {
var polling_interval = 3000; // default
Basically, if it's undefined or out of range, I want to use a default value.
Can I rely on just a conditional statement like:
if (parent.settings.polling_interval) { ... }
or do I need to check if it's undefined, like this?
if (typeof parent.settings.polling_interval !== 'undefined') { ... }
Is there something more robust and/or concise? Thanks for any advice.
This is wrong:
parent.settings.account ? var account = parent.settings.account : error();
You meant to say:
var account = parent.settings.account ? parent.settings.account : error();
Or even:
var account = parent.settings.account || error();