I have a JList
I would like to delete already selected values whenever i press ALT + mouseclick the same time on the list. How to do that? I don't know which listener to use.
The problem is that when I have selected values and click on the list again the old selection is lost, new item is selected.
I did:
list.addMouseListener(new MouseListener() {
public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
int[] selected = list.getSelectedIndices();
if(selected.length > 0 && (e.getModifiers() & InputEvent.ALT_MASK) == InputEvent.ALT_MASK ){
System.out.println("tu ");
for(int i: selected){
But the problem is that only one element is deleted. This one on which i alt click
The problem is that when I have selected values and click on the list again the old selection is lost, new item is selected.
Alt+mousePressed is used to change the selection. This is a common usage of the Alt key. Try playing with this key combination on any application (ie. Windows Explorer) to see how it works.
So a better implementation would probably be to use a different mouse+key combination. I'm not sure what the standards are but I would suggest that for maybe just the "Delete" key could be used delete the selected items. Of course you should popup a confirm dialog. For using the mouse I would use a popup menu that would display on a right click and the menu would contain a Delete action. Again a confirm dialog should display.
Remember any time you build an application the user should be able to use the Keyboard or the mouse to achieve an Action.