I am developing an application in java. In my application I have to bulk copy some data to SybaseIQ database. For this I am not able to find out the Bulk Utility "iq_bcp".
Can anyone tell me where can I get standalone bulk-copy utility for SybaseIQ.
I have installed SybaseIQ-15 in my machine but I am not able to find the iq_bcp utility in installed directory.
P.S : Currently I am working in Windows OS but I need this utility for Linux also.
is no longer supported with IQ 15.x
use load table..using client file
More information can be found in the Sybase IQ Administration Guide Volume 1: Data Import and Export.
To do this using dbisql, you will run dbisql in batch mode. This can be done in the following ways:
Create a file with the commands you wish to execute, and run dbisql inputting that file:
dbisql -host yourhost -port 1234 -c "uid=dba;pwd=password" C:\Path\to\your\file.dat
Run dbisql, with commands you wish to run following the connection string:
dbisql -host yourhost -port 1234 -c "uid=dba;pwd=password" "load table..using..."