I am experiencing a problem on the mobile version of my site where I get a HTTP 302 Found
message in Firebug on Firefox, but the message is in red. I am spoofing Firefox to switch the User Agent string to mimic an iPhone, this lets me debug the mobile site on a desktop.
The problem is I cannot understand why I would get a blank response for my request, particularly when I don't get any errors in the Apache error log.
Where should I be focusing my attention on for this problem? I don't have this issue on the desktop site, which shares back-end functionality - it only occurs on mobile.
I'm also getting no JavaScript errors in the console.
I believe this error/warning is caused by a mixture of crossing protocols (HTTP->HTTPS) and also that the Firebug plugin for Firefox displays this scenario in red (making you believe an error has occurred).
My investigations have led me to believe that using JSONP, instead of JSON, when crossing protocols in this fashion will help.