I'm looking for the way to handle the cell click. How to do this if I create a new column in grid in this way:
column = new ColumnConfig();
You have to handle cell clicks on the grid to which the ColumnConfig
For example, say you have Grid grid = new Grid(new ColumnModel(column));
, then:
grid.addListener(Events.CellDoubleClick, new Listener<GridEvent>() {
public void handleEvent(GridEvent be) {
// be.getColIndex() gets the index of the column clicked on.
// if you know the index of `column`, you can compare that number to the colIndex
// if the numbers are equal, do whatever you want to do
// see docs for GridEvent at
// http://dev.sencha.com/deploy/gxt-2.2.5/docs/api/com/extjs/gxt/ui/client/event/GridEvent.html