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Slow loading time when many tabs are open in vim

I am a tab hoarder. I have about 30 tabs open in gVim on average. As more tabs are open, it gets progressively slower to open a file via tabedit. It seems as though gVim cycles through every single tab that is open before opening a new one. Because, the scroll bar flickers while loading and each switch seems to corresponds to a tab that is open. (e.g. Two buffers in horizontal split has two scroll bars) Is this behavior a bug? Would it be possible to make it just jump to its tab and then open the file? If I open file via tabnew then edit it does not suffer the delay. Here is the copy of my .vimrc.


  • There's no :tabopen command.

    The canonical command for opening a file in a new tab is:

    :tabe[dit] filename

    See :help tabpage.

    Because of their design, Vim's tabs are poor proxies for files/buffers. I'd suggest you use a different method for managing multiple buffers, see :help buffers.