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comparison between unsigned int and unsigned char

I have an unsigned char array, such as Data[2]. I needed it to compare with an output of a function returning unsigned int.

i tried to cast the Data[2] into unsigned int and vice versa. It didn't work.

What I am trying to do is:

if (Data[2] == ReadFlash2(40))
    //Do Something.

ReadFlash2 is a function returning unsigned int, while Data[2] is a unsigned char.

I tried to cast each of them, but it didn't work.

Is there something I am doing wrong? Which one should I cast, and to what should I cast it?


Edit: the code for the Readflash function:

unsigned int ReadFlash2(unsigned int Addr) // use as Read Function 
pMem = (unsigned int*)MEM_STR_ADR; 
pMem += Addr; 


  • It appears that you are accessing volatile memory on the microcontroller, and this could be causing some confusion when debugging. Try storing Data[2] and ReadFlash(40) into variables before the comparison:

    unsigned char data_2 = Data[2];
    unsigned int readflash2_40 = ReadFlash2(40);
    if (data_2 == readflash2_40)
        //Do Something.

    Now you should be able to inspect the actual values that are being compared by looking at the values in the variables.