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How to set up a DosFileFilter in JCIFS with multiple extensions as wildcard?

In order to use some files from a network shared folder I'm moving to JCIFS. So far I've done the following as a test to list the files I need (taken from this example)

public class ListDirectoryContent extends DosFileFilter {

    int count = 0;

    public ListDirectoryContent() {
        super("*.txt", 0xFFFF);
    public ListDirectoryContent(String wildcard, int attributes) {
        super(wildcard, attributes);

    public boolean accept(SmbFile file) throws SmbException {
        System.out.print( " " + file.getName() );

        return (file.getAttributes() & attributes) != 0;

    public static void main( String[] argv ) throws Exception {

        NtlmPasswordAuthentication auth = new NtlmPasswordAuthentication("DOMAIN","myuser","A good password, yes sir!");
        SmbFile file = new SmbFile( "smb://networkResource/sharedFolder/Files/SubFolderOne/", auth);
        ListDirectoryContent llf = new ListDirectoryContent();

        long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
        SmbFile[] pepe = file.listFiles(llf);
        long t2 = System.currentTimeMillis() - t1;

        System.out.println( llf.count + " files in " + t2 + "ms" );

        System.out.println( pepe.length + " SmbFiles in " + t2 + "ms" );

And so far it works for one extension wildcard. How can I broaden the dosfilefilter to check for a set of extensions? (like does)


  • I wrote this basic SmbFilenameFilter to use wildcards in filenames. Hope this helps!

    private static class WildcardFilenameFilter implements SmbFilenameFilter {
        private static final String DEFAULT_WIDLCARD = "*";
        private final String wildcard = DEFAULT_WIDLCARD;
        private final String regex;
        public WildcardFilenameFilter(String filename) {
            regex = createRegexPattern(filename);
        public boolean accept(SmbFile dir, String name) throws SmbException {
            return name.matches(regex);
        private String createRegexPattern(String filename) {
            return filename.replace(".", "\\.").replace(wildcard, ".+");