I have some Link errors that are driving me crazy. all the tests work except for this one. this one states that there is an issue with an unresolved external symbol. It doesn't make sense to me that every test main works except the third.
1> All outputs are up-to-date.
1>test11c.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: class bankAccount __thiscall bag::currentItem(void)const " (?currentItem@bag@@QBE?AVbankAccount@@XZ) referenced in function _main
1>test11c.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: void __thiscall bag::add(class bankAccount)" (?add@bag@@QAEXVbankAccount@@@Z) referenced in function _main
1>C:\Users\Desktop\stats\bagObject\Debug\bagObject.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 2 unresolved externals
// 11C Test bag.sort (answer in bag.cpp)
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include "COMPFUN.H"// For decimals
#include "BACCOUNT.H"// Must include baccount before the typedef
typedef bankAccount BAG_ELEMENT_TYPE;
#include "bag.h" // For the bag class
int main()
bag account;
account.add( bankAccount("Mellisa", 400) );
account.add( bankAccount("Miguel", 200) );
account.add( bankAccount("Bob", 300) );
decimals(cout, 2);
bankAccount anAcct;
for( account.first(); ! account.isDone(); account.next() )
account= account.currentItem(); // Output:
cout.width(8); // 300.00 Bob
cout << anAcct.balance(); // 400.00 Mellisa
cout << " " << anAcct.name() << endl; // 200.00 Miguel
return 0;
// INTERFACE FILE: baccount.h
// Defines class bankAccount
// Declares the relational operators so bankAccount objects
// can be stored in standard containers such as list
#ifndef BACCOUNT_H // Avoid redeclaring class bankAccount.
#define BACCOUNT_H // This code is compiled only once
#include <string> // for class string
using namespace std; // avoid having to write std:: as in std::string
/////// class bankAccount defintion ///////
class bankAccount {
public: // class member functions
bankAccount(string initName, double initBalance);
// post: A bankAccount with two arguments when called like this:
// bankAccount anAcct("Hall", 100.00);
void deposit(double depositAmount);
// post: depositAmount is credited to this object's balance
void withdraw(double withdrawalAmount);
// post: withdrawalAmount is debited from this object's balance
double balance() const;
// post: return this account's current balance
string name() const;
// post return the account name
string my_name; // Uniquely identify an object
double my_balance; // Store the current balance (non-persistent)
//--Auxilliary functions
// With these two functions, bankAccount objects can be
// sorted and searched by the standard algorithms
bool operator < (const bankAccount & left, const bankAccount & right);
bool operator == (const bankAccount & left, const bankAccount & right);
bool operator != (const bankAccount & left, const bankAccount & right);
bool operator <= (const bankAccount & left, const bankAccount & right);
bool operator > (const bankAccount & left, const bankAccount & right);
bool operator >= (const bankAccount & left, const bankAccount & right);
#endif // ifndef BACCOUNT_H
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <cctype>
#include <string>
#include "BACCOUNT.H"
#include "COMPFUN.H"
using namespace std;
typedef int BAG_ELEMENT_TYPE;
#include "bag.h"
bag::bag(int initCapacity)
// pre: initCapacity >= 1
// post: size of this bag is bag to 0 with the capacity
// to store initCapacity BAG_ELEMENT_TYPE objects
my_size = 0; my_index = 0;
my_capacity = initCapacity;
int bag::occurrencesOf(BAG_ELEMENT_TYPE matchValue)
int results = 0;
for (first(); !isDone(); next())
if (matchValue == currentItem())
return results;
void bag::add(BAG_ELEMENT_TYPE newElement)
// post: Add newElement to this bag and increase
// the size of this bag object increased by +1.
// Note: If capacity < size, the bag doubles it capacity
{ if (my_size >= my_capacity)
my_element.resize(2 * my_capacity);
} my_element[my_size] = newElement;
bool bag::remove(BAG_ELEMENT_TYPE removalCandidate)
// post: If found, removalCandidate is removed from this bag.
int subscript =0;
while((subscript < my_size) && (my_element[subscript] != removalCandidate))
if(subscript == my_size)
{// removalCandidate not found
return false;
{ // move last element to removalCandidate's spot
my_element[subscript]= my_element[my_size-1];
// and then decreaase size by one
return true;
void bag::sort ()
// post: sort in ascending order
for(int top = 0; top < my_size-1; top++)
for(int j = top+1; j < my_size; j++)
{if(my_element[j] < my_element[top])
Bag2 = my_element[top];
my_element[top] = my_element[j];
my_element[j] = Bag2;
int bag::capacity() const
// post: return the maximum number of elements that could be stored in this bag
return my_capacity;
int bag::size() const
// post: return the number of elements that are currently in this bag
// the number of objects added but not removed.
return my_size;
bool bag::isEmpty () const
// post: Returns true if there are zero items in the bag.
// Returns false if there is one more added elements
{ if(my_size !=0)
return my_size==0;
//--iterator functions
void bag::first() const
// post: my_index points to the first item
// Cast away const so this appears to not modify the object
// This is the only situation this trick should be used to subvert the meaning of const
//((bag*)this)->my_index = 0;
if(my_size >= 0)
((bag*)this)->my_index = 0;
void bag::next() const
// post: my_index points to the next item
// Cast away const so this appears to not modify the object
// This is the only situation this trick should be used to subvert the meaning of const
// ((bag*)this)->my_index++;
bool bag::isDone() const
// post: Returns true if the collection has been traversed
return my_index >= my_size;
BAG_ELEMENT_TYPE bag::currentItem() const
// pre: ! isDone && my_size > 0
// post: Returns the item pointed to by the my_index
return my_element[my_index];
#ifndef BAG_H
#define BAG_H
#include <iostream>
#include "BACCOUNT.H"
#include "COMPFUN.H"
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
class bag {
// post: Size of this bag is 0.
bag(int initCapacity);
// pre: initCapacity >= 1
// post: size of this bag is bag to 0 with the capacity
// to store initCapacity BAG_ELEMENT_TYPE objects
int occurrencesOf(BAG_ELEMENT_TYPE matchValue);
void add(BAG_ELEMENT_TYPE newElement);
// post: Add newElement to this bag and increase
// the size of this bag object increased by +1.
// Note: If capacity < size, the bag doubles it capacity
bool remove(BAG_ELEMENT_TYPE removalCandidate);
// post: If found, removalCandidate is removed from this bag.
void sort ();
// post: sort in ascending order
int capacity() const;
// post: return the maximum number of elements that could be stored in this bag
int size() const;
bool isEmpty () const;
// post: Returns true if there are zero items in the bag.
// Returns false if there is one more added elements
void first() const;
// post: my_index points to the first item
// Cast away const so this appears to not modify the object
// This is the only situation this trick should be used to subvert the meaning of const
//((bag*)this)->my_index = 0;
void next() const;
// post: my_index points to the next item
// Cast away const so this appears to not modify the object
// This is the only situation this trick should be used to subvert the meaning of const
// ((bag*)this)->my_index++;
bool isDone() const;
// post: Returns true if the collection has been traversed
BAG_ELEMENT_TYPE currentItem() const;
// pre: ! isDone && my_size > 0
// post: Returns the item pointed to by the my_index
int occurrencesOf(BAG_ELEMENT_TYPE) const;
int my_size;
int my_capacity;
int my_index; // an internal cursor for iterating over all elements
vector <BAG_ELEMENT_TYPE> my_element;
#endif // #ifndef BAG_H
set to an int
in your CPP file so your implementations are using int
s but your calls in main
are looking for bankAccount
value functions. You need the function signatures to match.