I'm using Knockout Validation, and when I use it to validate radio button groups, the validation error message appears next to every radio button. I would like it to display in just one location. Presumably I will have to "turn off" automatic display of the validation messages for the radio button group, and then manually display the validation message in a particular location. But... I haven't figured out a way to do that.
Here's a fiddle demonstrating what I'm talking about: http://jsfiddle.net/jbeall/tD4nU/2/
I would like for other input types (e.g., text inputs) to retain the behavior of automatically displaying a message to the right.
How can I set this up?
p.s. For posterity, jsfiddle code is below:
<div>First name: <input type='text' data-bind='value: firstname'/></div>
<div>Last name: <input type='text' data-bind='value: lastname'/></div>
Question Type:
<input type='radio' value='sales' name='questionType' data-bind="checked: questionType"/>
<input type='radio' value='support' name='questionType' data-bind="checked: questionType"/>
<input type='radio' value='other' name='questionType' data-bind="checked: questionType"/>
<input type='button' data-bind='click: triggerGroupValidation' value='Trigger validation via group() function'/>
<div data-bind='text: ko.toJSON(questionType)'></div>
Click button above to update these values
<div>Error count: <span data-bind='text: errorCount'/></div>
<div>Error messages: <span data-bind='text: errorMessages' /></div>
// JavaScript
insertMessages: true,
decorateElement: true,
errorMessageClass: 'app--validation--error-message',
errorElementClass: 'app--validation--invalid-input-element'
var responseOptions = [
"id": 1,
"text": "Sales"
"id": 2,
"text": "Support"
"id": 3,
"text": "Other"
var vm = {
firstname: ko.observable(""),
lastname: ko.observable(""),
questionType: ko.observable(''),
triggerGroupValidation: function(){
var errors = ko.validation.group(vm, { deep: true, observable: false });
var stringErrors = '';
for (var i = 0; i < errors().length; i++) {
stringErrors = stringErrors + '||' + errors()[i]();
errorCount: ko.observable(0),
errorMessages: ko.observable('')
required: {
message: "Question type required",
params: true
required: {
message: "The first name is required",
params: true
minLength: {
message: "The first name is too short",
params: 3
required: {
message: "The last name is required",
params: true
minLength: {
message: "The last name is too short",
params: 3
You can use the validationOptions
binding to overrule the global options for an element. Wrap the radio buttons in a div and add the data-binding validationOptions: {insertMessages: false}
. Add an additional span-element for the display of the error message and bind it with: data-bind="validationMessage: questionType"
<div data-bind="foreach: [{val: 'sales', title: 'Sales'}, {val: 'support', title: 'Support'}, {val: 'other', title: 'Other'}], validationOptions: {insertMessages: false}">
<input type='radio' name='questionType' data-bind="value: val, checked: $parent.questionType"/>
<span data-bind="text: title"></span>
<span data-bind="validationMessage: questionType" class="app--validation--error-message"></span>
Working example: fiddle