I need a pattern:
I'm using C#.
Say there are three actors; Jim, Pat, and Sally. Pat's job is to create an interface as a contract between Jim and Sally. Sally's job is to create a class that implements the interface and Jim's job is to write a class that consumes Sally's object.
Jim should not know about Sally's concrete object, only that it implements the common interface.
Pat needs to include in the contract a way for Jim to create an instance of Sally's concrete object but referenced as the interface.
There is no way to include a static method definition in either an interface or abstract class, so you can't do something like:
public interface IFoo
public static IFoo CreateIFoo();
How can Pat write the contract to guarantee that Sally will create a method for Jim to create her concrete object referenced as the interface?
Sounds like you need an abstract factory. In addition to IFoo
, create an interface IFooFactory
with the CreateFoo
method. Give Jim an instance of an object that implements IFooFactory
, and Jim would call the CreateFoo
method. It could be either Sally or Pat's job to create the instance of the object that implements IFooFactory