I need some help. I'm setting up a spread sheet that has multiple validation lists. Each validation list has multiple validation lists linked to them (dependents). When I change the first validation list I need to clear all cells that are dependent on it (if they have a validation list attached).
I'm trying to create a macro that is dynamic enough so I don't need to name ranges (I have too many to do that any way). Basically if the activecell changes / it has a validation list and has dependents - then clear the content of the dependent cell if they have validation lists in them. In principal it sounds straight forward but it's killing me...!!!! Does anyone have such a macro already in place or I would be grateful for any advise? Thanks Ciaran.
Principal Ideas.
Use a dynamic range byval target as range
If the cell has dependents activecell.dependents.count>0
If the actual cell has a validation list etc. activecell.specialcells(xlcelltypeallvalidation)
The following will only look within the current worksheet but could be extended to loop through all worksheets. It also only checks for Validations of type List.
Sub ClearListValidations()
Dim ws As Worksheet 'not used currently
Dim rngCurrent As Range
Dim rngValids As Range
Dim strLookup As String
Dim rng As Range
Dim varIntersect As Variant
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set rngCurrent = ActiveCell
On Error Resume Next
Set rngValids = rngCurrent.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeAllValidation)
On Error GoTo 0 'reinstate error handling
If rngValids Is Nothing Then Exit Sub 'no list validations
For Each rng In rngValids
If rng.Validation.Type = 3 Then 'list validation
Set varIntersect = Application.Intersect(rngCurrent, _
Range(Mid(rng.Validation.Formula1, 2)))
If Not varIntersect Is Nothing Then
End If
End If
Next rng
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Essentially, if the List-Validation's source intersects with the current cell, it removes the content and validation settings from the cells.
The MID()
function is used because Formula1
includes an equals-sign, and we need to discard this to form a Range.