I am trying to fetch the coordinates of the top left position in a multimonitor setup for my screen capture program. Here is what I've currently got for the program:
int dwidth = 0, dheight = 0; //max dimensions of all monitors
for (GraphicsDevice gd : GraphicsEnvironment
.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getScreenDevices()) {
if (gd == GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment()
.getDefaultScreenDevice()) {
minx = -width; //My attempt at finding the minimum X value did not work
dwidth += gd.getDisplayMode().getWidth();
dheight += gd.getDisplayMode().getHeight();
Basically I want to be able to run my program across all of the monitors. For full code view here: https://gist.github.com/fletchto99/5788659
You can get a list of GraphicDevice
s from the GraphicsEnvironment
. Each GraphicsDevice
would represent a screen.
Now, you have a number of choices...
You could simply look through the list of GraphicsDevices
and simply find the one with the lowest x/y coordinates or you could combine them all into a "virtual screen" and simply extract the top/left coordinates from it.
For example...
public static Rectangle getVirtualScreenBounds() {
GraphicsEnvironment ge = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment();
GraphicsDevice lstGDs[] = ge.getScreenDevices();
Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle();
for (GraphicsDevice gd : lstGDs) {
return bounds;