At this Link I have found my new fast(faster than Rows.Add()
) implemetation for adding data to a new DataTable
(or at list i thought so ... (: for a minute there )
I remember reading somewhere that ImportRow()
is quickest
though it seems that in that way using ImportRow does not updtae the table rows, is it like DataTable.Clone()
What is the fatest way to implement multiple rows Loaded into a table from custom data in a loop ?
var returnedDtFromLocalDbV11 = DtFromDb(strConnName, queryStr, strReturnedDtName);
NewDtForIns = returnedDtFromLocalDbV11.Clone();
Stopwatch SwSqlMdfLocalDb11 = new Stopwatch();
for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++)
var Dr = NewDtForIns.NewRow();
Dr[tblClients.LastName] = string.Concat(i, "_"+lastNameStr);
Dr[tblClients.FirstName] = string.Concat(i, "_" +firstNameStr);
//NewDtForIns.Rows.Add(Dr) ;
//NewDtForIns.ImportRow(Dr) ;
NewDtForIns.LoadDataRow(new object[] { null, "NewShipperCompanyName", "NewShipperPhone" }, false);
DBRCL_SET.UpdateDBWithNewDtUsingSQLBulkCopy(NewDtForIns, tblClients._TblName);
var ResSqlMdfLocalDbv11_0 = SwSqlMdfLocalDb11.ElapsedMilliseconds;
turns that it is faster !
my mistake i forgot to comment the 3 datarows Lines that takes time to generate while testing the example with LoadDataRow()
//var Dr = NewDtForIns.NewRow();
//Dr[tblClients.LastName] = string.Concat(i, "_"+lastNameStr);
//Dr[tblClients.FirstName] = string.Concat(i, "_" +firstNameStr);
now the results are for that test in my configuration is :
Rows.Add() => ~6700ms
LoadDataRow() => ~5200ms - 5500ms
that is nice but i was hoping for little more performance difference via ImportRow()
any suggestions ?
as @Magnus suggested this is the faster way to populate the DataTable with new Rows nice and simple fewer lines of code
Stopwatch SwSqlMdfLocalDb11 = new Stopwatch();
for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++)
NewDtForIns.LoadDataRow(new object[] { null, "NewShipperCompanyName", "NewShipperPhone" }, false);
DBRCL_SET.UpdateDBWithNewDtUsingSQLBulkCopy(NewDtForIns, tblClients._TblName);
i will be happy to learn a new approach if there is one, although that's already some news for me... thanks.