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How to avoid time complexity O(n^2)?

I have this following piece of code:

for(ArticleBasketInBean basketBean : bean.getBasket()) {
    for(ArticleDTO article : dto.getArticleList()) {
        if(basketBean.getArticleReference().equals(article.getArticleReference())) {

Clearly the time complexity of the above operation is O(n^2). For this case articleReference is unique. So the list returned by bean.getBasket() has no duplicate articleReference, also this is true for the list returned by dto.getArticleList().

I want to avoid this nested iteration and want to write faster code. How can I do that?


  • If you don't have too many articles/baskets and as you say the references are unique you can do something like this; let's call R the type of the reference, A the type of articles, B the type of baskets:

    // since all references are unique we can use that, but see below
    Map<R, A> mappedArticles = new IdentityHashMap<>();
    // inject articles based on references in the map, then
    A article;
    for (B basket: bean.getBasket())
        article = mappedArticles.get(basket.getArticleReferences());
        if (article != null)
    // Full list of articles is in the map's .values()


    • note the use of an identity hashset; you may want to implement equals/hashcode for the references instead (or maybe the type you use has them already implemented for you);
    • your map may be filled as articles "flow by", in this case you can create it only once (make it thread safe if so!).