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How to remove extender from an existing observable?

I am using the Knockout Validation plugin and setting an observable as required using the extender:


Is it possible for me to remove the extender after adding it?


  • You can remove all the validation relates properties form an observable which were added by the ko validation with calling:

    myObservable.extend({validatable: false});

    Or if you want to only remove the required validation you can remove it from the rules collection:

    myObservable.rules.remove(function (item) {
            return item.rule == "required";

    Demo JSFiddle.

    But the ko validation has support for conditional validation, so you can specify some condition when the validation should work so maybe this is what you need:

        required: {
            message: "Some message",
            onlyIf: function () { return //some condition; }