I'm using gmaps4rails to create an application and I'm with one problem. When I zoom (in or out) map the icons are cropped.
This is my method to show markers:
def gmaps4rails_marker_picture
"picture" => "/assets/pins/pin_#{tipo_assalto_id}.png",
"width" => "32" ,
"height" => "32",
"marker_anchor" => [12,34],
"shadow_picture" => "http://www.google.com/mapfiles/shadow50.png",
"shadow_width" => "58" ,
"shadow_height" => "42",
"shadow_anchor" => [6,38]
Somebody can help me in this question?
Ok guys, sorry because my ignorance. I set width, and height like as string instead a int. Fixing:
def gmaps4rails_marker_picture
"picture" => "/assets/pins/pin_#{tipo_assalto_id}.png",
"width" => 32 ,
"height" => 32,
"marker_anchor" => [12,34],
"shadow_picture" => "http://www.google.com/mapfiles/shadow50.png",
"shadow_width" => 58 ,
"shadow_height" => 42,
"shadow_anchor" => [6,38]